after a 8-9hours car drive from johor to terengganu... we arrive at the jetty... and waiting for the speed boat to pick us to the island...

after waiting for about one hour.. the boat came.... and we started out journey...

excited... tired.... happy... at the same time....

instead the boat break down on the sea...u can buy ur Italk here...and call for help...

about 20-30 minutes... we arrived the resort... it is called ayu mayang....

five of us shared the room.... they provided us 5 beds... 3 at downstair... and two on upstair.... i slept the single bed at downstair...=) i like to be alone...

this is more more tea inn... u should know this if u watch the hk movie...back in 90S....

i'm goin to sleep now..tired....i ate laksa yesterday morning... and today morning...i'm goin to eat again with my frens...=)..... good night everyone....
PS: to be continue