Monday, October 4, 2010


went to hike yesterday... i slept at 5 in the morning and wake at 6... that's really great... but i still manage to climb the mount.. with my partially awake body.... but... somehow... i stopped halfway from the peak becoz i got an upset stomach...=_=... i chiong down from the mountain... and found a toilet... but i got no sai to release...XD.... maybe i shud blame the milk i drank in the morning...

we went to lunch after hike at kluang.... ate gu bak mee.....which is really nice... but i dont like the yellow noodle... after lunch.. we went to a organic farm... cycling around the farm is not fun... there is alot of hills... which is so steep to climb... thou down hill is quite fun...XD but it is dangerous... pls check ur brake system before u start to cycle around....

Monday, September 20, 2010


blog oh blog... long time no see... and i'm back now....
there is a time when everyone was happying to spend time together to play... went to beach.... and bbq together.... see how happy both of them playing GT-3.... some even holding the joystick like a real life f1 steering....XD... u know who u are... oppsssrainbow i saw.... it's upside down becoz i was sitting on a see saw... just like a smile hanging on the sky.... a good sign?

bought instax 210.... i'm loving it..... love the effects... the colours..... but the price of the film is killing me....
two weeks holiday had just ended.... time to turn on study mode.....

ps: my post is still random like always... XD... see ya soon....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

redang (1st day)

after a 8-9hours car drive from johor to terengganu... we arrive at the jetty... and waiting for the speed boat to pick us to the island...after waiting for about one hour.. the boat came.... and we started out journey...excited... tired.... happy... at the same time....instead the boat break down on the sea...u can buy ur Italk here...and call for help...about 20-30 minutes... we arrived the resort... it is called ayu mayang....five of us shared the room.... they provided us 5 beds... 3 at downstair... and two on upstair.... i slept the single bed at downstair...=) i like to be alone...this is more more tea inn... u should know this if u watch the hk movie...back in 90S.... i'm goin to sleep now..tired....i ate laksa yesterday morning... and today morning...i'm goin to eat again with my frens...=)..... good night everyone....
PS: to be continue

Friday, April 30, 2010


晚上十点左右, 睡得很熟的我被朋友吵醒。。。 约我看电影。。。 我在没准备的情况下。。带着疲惫的身躯。。穿着拖鞋到电影院。。。 因为是 iron man 2 的首映。。。 戏院挤满了人。。。 临时买票,只得坐前排。。。电影没让我们失望。。蛮不错的。。。 看完了。。肚子也饿了。。去吃了串串香。。吃完了我们到麦当劳喝可乐。。吃冰淇凌。。。闲着。。就提议了。。到沙滩去。。。。 同意之下。。我们就去了minyak beku。。 海滩不这么像海滩。。。坦白。。还蛮烂的。。。
离开之前。。。朋友提议到附近的着名观光点。。情人桥。。。 这个地方有很多神庙。。龙宫。。。因为当时很暗。。所以也没拍很多照片。。。 手机的拍照功能有限。。。。情人桥。。不怎么像情人桥。。。像是个码头。。。哈哈。。。=___=//巨龙鱼真的很大。。。体积有像一只狗一样。。。挺吓人的。。。情人桥看完了。。。我们悠闲的回到了麦当劳。。。想看足球。。。结果没有现场直播。。。==。。。又有人提议到kluang 的火车站。。吃早餐。。。大概40-50分钟的车程。。我们到了。。但天还没亮。。所以就到麦当劳。。又是麦当劳。。哈哈。。我又吃了冰淇淋。。有些朋友饿了。。点了早餐吃。。没看过有人在麦当劳睡觉吧。。呵呵。。。天亮了。。到了火车站。。终于开店啦。。刚开店。。就有很多顾客了。。。 点了炭烤面包。。。好吃。。。 咖啡的味道。。真得很香。。 有点想家了。。xD.. 也点了半生熟鸡蛋。。。

这咖啡店。。。 在1938年已经有了。。。 蛮有历史的。。。 值得来品尝它的古早味。。。

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


went to mc donald this morning at 4am.... the road is covered with mist heavily.... remind me the story of vampire... anyway...when i reach there... i'd ordered the breakfast meal... mc muffin with eggs...which came with the hash brown... cost me rm8..... i just realised that... the meal only cost u ard rm5 without the hash brown... so.. in conclusion... the hash brown cost about rm3? wth...

me and my friend were studying whole night long at there... ok...maybe not me..but only them.... they took the whole night to understand only one subtopic of math... in the end... they found that...the equation in the wrong.... another wth.... there is alot of error in uni's module... my advise to my uni's frens is... if u want to get a good result... u better find a reference book... and don waste ur time on our uni's module... it is sucks....

on the way back to hostel.... 7 something.... still foggy.... guess today will be a hot sunny day....
ok... i think i'm goin to sleep now.... good morning to everyone... goodnight to myself...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

sunday~ 18days remaining..

午餐,吃了mega mac,分量有点太多了, 吃了觉得恶心。。 下次改点bigmac 好了。。。 跟朋友约好,去看电影, 看了本地制作,由阿牛兼导演和主角。李心洁,曹格,品冠, 等等。。本地歌手及演员。。。 好好看。。。 觉得这是本地有史以来最棒的电影。。。 其他的就不多说了。。 还没看的。。 找时间去看吧。。支持本地。。 别下载了。。买正版或到电影院看吧。。 希望本地会有更好的电影上映。。。

Friday, April 16, 2010


this post is just about the photos that i "korek"ed in my phone... few months before... i went to kajang with my friends... spotted that there is "sugar bun" at KL... is not the same sugarbun that we see in kuching... just wonder that they sell rm1.50 tall ice cream or not?
my gay fren(cousin?) was trying to act like he is studying at ovesea... which lying on the grass..cherryblossom... but he failed that for some reasons i think....><
corner at my hostel... buy those food with your "honesty".... no one will know how much u pay... for your food... u can just take those keropok without paying it...but....

and lastly... world cup is coming soon.... i'm goin back to my beloved hometown...watching it with my buddies.... wuhoo....
before that....i'm gonna study for my final first...
ps: ignore the randomness of this's just crazy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

sushi queen

each plate only cost u 2 ringgit... doesnt matter what colour u take.....
eat til so full and feel so disgusting.... guilty at the same time...

Friday, April 2, 2010

arabic drinks

taste abit like shandy... but it is non-alcohol....